Benefits of Using the UDLnet Inventory:
This Inventory of UDL Good Practices has not been designed as a destination but as a forum for self-reflection and critical thinking. It is rather an evolving space where practices mutate, are shaped and altered and results from increased participation and successes are fed back into the qualitative learning loop. Teachers need to engage and use the UDL Inventory to evoke accepted practices and methods, which hinder full participation and access. The UDLnet Inventory is not static. It is a growing and dynamic space whose main purpose is to stimulate new reasoning and practices and challenge existing ones. UDL works and evolves best when located in a community. The benefits for teachers and other educational stakeholders participating in the UDLnet Inventory include- Diverse UDL techniques, methods and resources available as a comprehensive and growing repository.
- Users can access and modify concrete examples of UDL Good Practices on a range of topics.
- Support and supply enough scaffolding to newbies in the field of UDL and inspire more advanced users.
- Users can be connected and collaborate with peers on UDL, even for a specific Good Practice or at a national level.
- Decreasing preparation time for UDL based lessons, while keeping high quality.
- Bottom-up Continuing Professional Development.